Booking an Appointment at Kingsway

2nd Jan 2024

Information regarding Appointment Booking at the Practice

For the past four years, we have been working tirelessly to ensure that booking appointments and contacting the surgery is more accessible for our wide demographic of patients. We understand that those with working lives may not always be able to call at 8:00am and that our more elderly patients are not always comfortable utilising new technology. Our efforts over the past four years have produced various methods suitable for all patients to use, which are outlined below:  


Telephoning at 8:00am on the day

Patients can telephone the practice at 8:00am on the day Monday-Friday on 0116 2895081. While routine appointments can be made in this way, we highly advise this method of contacting the practice or booking an appointment for any matters considered urgent.

If we do not have any appointments available at the surgery on the day, our reception staff can also offer Pharmacist Appointment referrals as well as booking patients in at out of hours services, depending on the nature of the problem.   

If the problem is extremely urgent, please do not contact the surgery. Please telephone 999 immediately or attend A&E.


Patient Online Access/NHS App

Patient Online Access and the NHS App both function in the same way and allow patients to book appointments, view records and request medication. While a profile can be set up through the NHS App directly, Patient Online Access needs to be enabled on medical records by the surgery.  

We would like to add that while both the NHS app and Online Access connect to the practice system to allow these functions, they are not managed or maintained by us. If you are experiencing any problems with these systems, please go to the Help or Settings pages on the NHS App or Patient Online Access. Please do not contact the practice, as we will be unable to assist you.


Accurx Patient Triage

Accurx Patient Triage is accessible on the homepage of our website. This software has replaced the previous Engage Consult system, but functions in the same way. Patients can use Accurx Patient Triage to submit routine non-urgent queries, such as booking appointments, prescriptions and admin requests.

Once submitted, patients will receive a response to their query within 48 hours. Any appointments offered will fall within two weeks of the request submission.

Routine Appointments Form available on our Website

The surgery website contains an Online Form page. At the bottom of this page in its own section, there is the Routine Appointments Form. Patients can complete and submit the form to the practice. Once submitted, an appointment will be offered that falls within two weeks from the date of submission, in the same manner as the Accurx Patient Triage Service.


Emailing the Practice  

Lastly, if no other option is suitable, patients can email the practice at to request a routine appointment.


Please remember that each appointment is for one problem only. If you wish to discuss more than one issue, please advise the reception and they will arrange a double or seperate appointments.