Mental Health Support Services for Children and Young People

2nd Dec 2021

Support Services


This website provides Cognitive Behaviour Therapy self-help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets, as well as self help mp3s. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has proven to helpp mental health problems such as anxiety, low mood, anger and low self-esteem.  


Mood Juice 

This site is designed to help you think about emotional problems and work towards solving them.



ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything - no problem is too big or too small. 

Telephone: 0800 1111 



Young Minds 

Young Minds offers support to keep young minds empowered with whatever challenges they are facing. Tehy offer different types of course to look after young minds and there is also infomration for parents on how to support their child during situations. 

Hotline: 0808 802 5544 



Centre for Fun and Families (CFF) 

CFF supports parents/carers and young people with challenging behaviour, conflict and communication difficulties and mental health (anxiety, worry, low mood and depression). CFF's programmes vary throughout the year so please call the team to discuss your situation. 

Call Advice Point: 0116 223 4254 




Koothi s a digital counselling support service which provides an anonymous, free, confidential and safe way for young people across Leicestershire to access online. 



Elefriends is a supportive online community where you can be yourself. Elefriends is run by Mind.  


Chat Health 

Chat Health is a confidential text messaging service that enables children and young people aged 11-19 to contact their local public health nursing (school nursing) team. 

Leicester City Text: 07520 615 386 

Leicestershire & Rutland Text: 07520 615 387 

Response Time: Within 24 hours, 9am to 5pm MOnday to Friday (except bank holidays) 



Stress and Anxiety in Teenagers 

Stress and Anxiety in Teenagers offers support, advice and self-help approaches to coping with the effects of stress and anxiety. 



Minded is a free educational resource in children and young people's mental health for all adults  



This is a guide to health and happiness. It is a personal meditation guide, right in your pocket that teaches how to learn to meditate and live mindfully.